


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Engineering Science (Interdepartmental Program)

Document Type



Studies of incineration of surrogates for hazardous wastes are conducted in the pilot-scale rotary kiln incinerator (RKI) at Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The purpose of the research is to investigate methods of treating and destroying hazardous wastes in a cost-effective and environmentally sound way. The objective is to provide process data that will contribute to increased knowledge for RKI design and operation. The LSU facility is a College of Engineering Combustion Laboratory that is unique in its large size as a university laboratory. It is equipped with individual instruments for analysis of O2, CO, CO2, HCl, SOx and NOx and a mass spectrometer to continuously monitor products of combustion for rigorous evaluation of efficiencies of operation. Experiments conducted to investigate parameters and variables affecting the design and operation of the kiln substantiate mathematical treatment of material and energy balances. These investigations add new and useful data to be used in design of rotary kilns, a major objective of this research. One of the principal contributions of this dissertation relates to the effects of batch feeding on instability of the combustion process. Surges in temperature, pressure, and their effects on products of incomplete combustion are discussed. Other activities of the combustion laboratory are described: Incineration of still bottoms to recover byproduct potash produced by the Audubon Sugar Institute; burning of synthetic fireplace logs; study of incinerator stack gases; and determination of rates of fugitive emissions from flanges and valves. Economics of operation and maintenance of the facility are calculated, tabulated, and related to contract charges for combustion studies on behalf of industrial clients. Future prospects for the laboratory as a research and teaching facility are discussed.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Arthur M. Sterling


