Laboratory and field evaluations of insecticide toxicity to stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

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Stink bugs have become more common pests in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and the frequency of insecticides applied for their control has increased; therefore, establishing base-line insecticide mortality data is important for future resistance monitoring programs. A series of laboratory and field studies were used to characterize the susceptibility of stink bug species and selected development stages to pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides. Stink bugs collected in the field were exposed to technical grade insecticides using the adult vial test (AVT) and to formulated products applied to cotton bolls and foliage. In the AVT, acephate was more toxic than dicrotophos to brown stink bug [Euschistus servus (Say)] adults. Brown stink bug and southern green stink bug [Nezara viridula (L.)] adults were equally sensitive to dicrotophos. Generally, brown stink bug adults were most sensitive to the pyrethroid, bifenthrin (1.8- to 6.5-fold), compared with other pyrethroids. Brown stink bug adults were significantly less susceptible than southern green stink bug adults to cyfluthrin (3.9-fold), cypermethrin (2.9- to 33.8-fold), and λ-cyhalothrin (7.6- to 66.5-fold). The LC50S (μg/vial) for pyrethroids in the AVT ranged from 0.27 to 2.55, 0.06 to 0.40, and 0.02 to 0.58 for brown stink bug adults, lateinstar nymphs (of all species), and southern green stink bug adults, respectively. The order of susceptibility of stink bug species and developmental stages to insecticides from least to most susceptible was adult Euschistus spp., late-instar nymphs, and southern green stink bug adults. In field studies, acephate, dicrotophos, and high rates of bifenthrin, cypermethrin, cyfluthrin, z-cypermethrin, and λ-cyhalothrin-treated plant tissue produced significant levels of brown stink bug adult mortality (52.5 to 89.2%) compared with non-treated controls (P≤0.01). © The Cotton Foundation 2003.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Cotton Science

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