Glyphosate-insecticide combination effects on weed and insect control in cotton

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Field studies were conducted to evaluate weed control with combinations of glyphosate at 750 g ae/ha and the insecticides acephate (370 g ai/ha), dicrotophos (370 g ai/ha), dimethoate (220 g ai/ha), fipronil (56 g ai/ha), imidacloprid (53 g ai/ha), lambda-cyhalothrin (37 g ai/ha), oxamyl (280 g ai/ha), or endosulfan (420 g ai/ha) and insect control with coapplication of the herbicide with insecticides acephate, dicrotophos, dimethoate, and imidacloprid. Applying lambda-cyhalothrin or fipronil with glyphosate reduced control of hemp sesbania by 19 and 9 percentage points, respectively, compared with glyphosate alone. Acephate, dicrotophos, dimethoate, imidacloprid, lambda-cyhalothrin, oxamyl, and endosulfan did not affect hemp sesbania, pitted morningglory, prickly sida, and redweed control by glyphosate. Lambda-cyhalothrin and fipronil did not affect glyphosate control of weeds other than hemp sesbania. Addition of glyphosate to dicrotophos improved cotton aphid control 4 d after treatment compared with dicrotophos alone. Thrips control was improved with addition of glyphosate to imidacloprid. Insect control was not reduced by glyphosate regardless of insecticide.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Weed Technology

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