Molecular genetic methods: New approaches to termite biology

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Termites (Isoptera) are of global economic and ecological importance as decomposers of lignocellulose matter. Yet little is known about their biology due to their cryptic feeding and nesting habits. The advent of a variety of molecular genetic techniques provides a powerful method to elucidate many aspects of termite ecology and social organization. We present an overview of currently applied molecular genetic methods, including analyses of proteins, mitochondrial and genomic DNA, in a variety of termite species. These methods complement each other in the description of termite population structure, the identification of colonies and their breeding systems. The increasing application of these and other methods will yield a much improved understanding of termite ecology and social evolution as well as more effective means of controlling pest species. © 2003 American Chemical Society.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

ACS Symposium Series

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