Facility for conducting field tests on coptotermes formosanus at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

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Efforts by Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (LSU AgCenter) and Mississippi State University (MSU) research scientists, to conduct cooperative research on C. formosanus and other wood-related topics, have led to establishing a field test site at the LSU Agricultural Center Citrus Research Experiment Station, Port Sulfur, Louisiana. A minimum of 32 termite colonies will be established on this site. Testing at this site will include evaluation of the effects of testing methodologies and procedures using both within- and berween-colony replications, in-ground tests to evaluate preservatives (stake tests) or termite baits, test structures, aboveground preservative comparative tests and/or building component durability tests, and basic termite biology / behavior / movement studies. In addition, demonstration projects open to the public will be developed. In short, this site will be unique on the U.S. mainland.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Forest Products Journal

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