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The uptake and potential transfer of chlorantraniliprole and fipronil by the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, was investigated in the laboratory by using donor-recipient model bioassays. Two different types of substrates, sandy loam soil (18.6% organic matter) and sand (0.19% organic matter), were used to evaluate how these treated substrates impact the direct mortality and transfer efficiency of the two nonrepellent termiticides tested at different concentrations. Chlorantraniliprole exhibited a more delayed mortality on termites than fipronil in sand. In soil, chlorantraniliprole did not cause higher mortality to either donor or recipient termite at any of the tested concentrations during a 21-d test period when compared with controls. Compared with the controls, a greater number of donors died in the soil treated with fipronil at 14 h postinteraction, and higher death of recipients occurred at 21 d but only in the 60-ppm concentration tested. Our data showed that chlorantraniliprole performed best in substrate with low organic matter against C. formosanus. © 2011 Entomological Society of America.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Economic Entomology

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