Adipokinetic hormone mobilization of lipids and carbohydrates in the house cricket, Acheta domesticus

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1. 1. The adipokinetic factor present in Acheta CC appears to be AKH-G. 2. 2. Acheta are more sensitive to cricket AKH (synthetic AKH-G) than to locust (synthetic AKH-I) as evidenced by a lower ed50 and a lower receptor saturation concentration (dose-response curves). 3. 3. AKH-G produced a larger hyperlipemic response than AKH-I when injected into Acheta. 4. 4. A 50% decrease in responsiveness of the fat body to AKH occurred after day 6, which was related to decreased fat body mass. 5. 5. There was no evidence of blood sugar elevation caused by AKH or any factor in the CC. © 1989.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part A: Physiology

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