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Objective: Previous studies showed that flight muscles degenerate after migration in some aphid species; however, the underlying molecular mechanism remains virtually unknown. In this study, using the wheat aphid, Sitobion avenae, we aim to investigate aphid flight muscle degeneration and the underlying molecular mechanism. Results: Sitobion avenae started to differentiate winged or wingless morphs at the second instar, the winged aphids were fully determined at the third instar, and their wings were fully developed at the fourth instar. After migration, the aphid flight muscles degenerated via programmed cell death, which is evidenced by a Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling assay. Then, we identified a list of differentially expressed genes before and after tethered flights using differential-display reverse transcription-PCR. One of the differentially expressed genes, ubiquitin-ribosomal S27a, was confirmed using qPCR. Ubiquitin-ribosomal S27a is drastically up regulated following the aphids' migration and before the flight muscle degeneration. Our data suggested that aphid flight muscles degenerate after migration. During flight muscle degeneration, endogenous proteins may be degraded to reallocate energy for reproduction.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

BMC Research Notes
