Registration of ‘L 11-183’ sugarcane

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‘L 11-183’ (Reg. no. CV-200, PI 698200) sugarcane (interspecific hybrid of Saccharum spp.) was derived from a cross between HoCP 92-624 as the female and ‘LCP 85-384’ as the male parent. Early-stage clonal selection by researchers at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center led to the assignment of a permanent cultivar number in 2011. The cultivar was further evaluated cooperatively with scientists from the USDA–ARS and the American Sugar Cane League. L 11-183 was jointly released to the Louisiana sugar industry on 11 May 2018. L 11-183 was released because of its high yield potential compared with ‘HoCP 96-540’ and ‘L 01-299’, two of the most widely grown cultivars in Louisiana at the time. In the final testing stage, data were collected from across 12 locations and three crops (plant cane and first and second ratoons) with multiple crop-years within locations. Combined across locations and crops, L 11-183 accumulated 5% more cane yield than HoCP 96-540 but 4% less than L 01-299. Sucrose yield in L 11-183 was comparable to that of L 01-299 but 3% greater than that of HoCP 96-540. The new cultivar is resistant to smut, moderately resistant to leaf scald, Sugarcane yellow leaf virus, and ratoon stunting, moderately susceptible to brown rust and Sugarcane mosaic virus, and susceptible to the sugarcane borer.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Plant Registrations

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