Invertebrates of the Columbia River basin assessment area
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A general background on functional groups of invertebrates in the Columbia River basin and how they affect sustainability and productivity of their ecological communities is presented. The functional groups include detritivores, predators, pollinators, and grassland and forest herbivores. Invertebrate biodiversity and species of conservation interest are discussed. Effects of management practices on wildlands and suggestions to mitigate them are presented. Recommendations for further research and monitoring are given.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
General Technical Reports of the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
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Niwa, C., Sandquist, R., Crawford, R., Frest, T., Johannes, E., Griswold, T., Kemp, W., Tepedino, V., Hammond, P., Lattin, J., Moldenke, A., Schowalter, T., Ingham, E., Ross, D., James, S., Johnson, J., LaBonte, J., McIver, J., McMillin, J., Moser, J., & Wagner, M. (2001). Invertebrates of the Columbia River basin assessment area. General Technical Reports of the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (512), 3-54. Retrieved from