Canola quality affects second (Brevicoryne brassicae) and third (Diaeretiella rapae) trophic levels

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Biological control agents can be used as a complementary control measure that can be combined with resistant host plants to control pests. In this study, the effects of different canola cultivars (Karaj-1, Karaj-2, Karaj-3, Licord, Okapi, Opera, RGS003, Sarigol, Talaye and Zarfam) on the performance and life table parameters of the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae, and its parasitoid, Diaeretiella rapae, were determined under laboratory conditions. Total fecundity of the cabbage aphid differed with cultivar, with the highest value (59.41 nymphs per female) of this parameter observed on Opera and the lowest (1.67) observed on RGS003. The highest and lowest intrinsic rates of increase (r) of the cabbage aphid were observed on Opera (0.331 day−1) and RGS003 (− 0.242 day−1) cultivars, respectively, suggesting these to be the most susceptible and most resistant cultivars to this pest. However, because the aphid did not settle and feed well on RGS003, it was not possible to determine demographic parameters for its parasitoid. Consequently, the Okapi cultivar, which was the most resistant cultivar to the cabbage aphid after RGS003, was used in this study to assess the parasitoid wasp. The parasitoid’s intrinsic rate of increase (r) varied from 0.426 day−1 on the susceptible cultivar (Opera) to 0.341 day−1 on the resistant canola cultivar Okapi. Aphid performance decreased 93% on the resistant canola cultivar, while parasitoid performance decreased only 20% on the resistant cultivar compared to more susceptible cultivar.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Arthropod-Plant Interactions

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