
Optimizing pyramid visibiliy coverage for autonomous robots in 3D environment

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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This paper studies the optimal visibility coverage for autonomous robots in complex 3D environments. The perception sensor equipped on an inspection robot usually has a pyramid-shaped visible range with limited distance and angle. Finding the optimal pyramid visibility coverage for a given 3D region is NP hard; this paper presents an effective progressive integer linear programming algorithm to compute an approximate solution. Our framework allows the user to specify a coverage rate parameter to balance the percentage of visibility and the required guarding points for the given region. The algorithm is assessed in a simulated 3D pipeline environment and demonstrated promising for detecting leaks, clogs, and deformation of the pipes. © 2013 IEEE.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2013

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