Finite Blocklength Analysis of Gaussian Random Coding in AWGN Channels under Covert Constraint
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It is well known that finite blocklength analysis plays an important role in evaluating performances of communication systems in practical settings. This paper considers the achievability and converse bounds on the maximal channel coding rate (throughput) at a given blocklength and error probability in covert communication over AWGN channels. The covert constraint is given in terms of an upper bound on total variation distance (TVD) between the distributions of eavesdropped signals at an adversary with and without presence of active and legitimate communication, respectively. For the achievability, Gaussian random coding scheme is adopted for convenience in the analysis of TVD. The classical results of finite blocklength regime are not applicable in this case. By exploiting and extending canonical approaches, we first present new and more general achievability bounds for random coding schemes under maximal or average probability of error requirements. The general bounds are then applied to covert communication in AWGN channels where codewords are generated from Gaussian distribution while meeting the maximal power constraint. We further show an interesting connection between attaining tight achievability and converse bounds and solving two total variation distance based minimax and maxmin problems. The TVD constraint is analyzed under the given random coding scheme, which induces bounds on the transmission power through divergence inequalities. Further comparison is made between the new achievability bounds and existing ones derived under deterministic codebooks. Our thorough analysis thus leads us to a comprehensive characterization of the attainable throughput in covert communication over AWGN channels.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
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Recommended Citation
Yu, X., Wei, S., & Luo, Y. (2021). Finite Blocklength Analysis of Gaussian Random Coding in AWGN Channels under Covert Constraint. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 16, 1261-1274. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIFS.2020.3032292