Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Performance and Analysis of Segmented Multiple Bus Systems., Jungjoon Kim
Stochastic Techniques for the Solution of Electrostatic Problems With Applications to Electron Optics., Elias Kougianos
Design and Analysis of Optical Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computation., Yueming Li
Traffic Management and Congestion Control in the ATM Network Model., Sundararajan Vedantham
A Theory of Cortical Neural Processing., David Timothy Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Robust Sensor Fusion Algorithms: Calibration and Cost Minimization., Richard Ree Brooks
Automatic Data and Computation Mapping for Distributed-Memory Machines., Isidoro Couvertier-reyes
A Reverse Engineering Methodology for Extracting Parallelism From Design Abstractions., Ravi Chandra Erraguntla
Modular Approaches for Designing Feedforward Neural Networks to Solve Classification Problems., Parvin Hashemian
Adaptive Harmonic Blocking Compensators., Shih-min Hsu
Set Redundancy, the Enhanced Compression Model, and Methods for Compressing Sets of Similar Images., Kosmas Karadimitriou
Design and Analysis of Reduced-Connection Multiple Bus Systems: A Probabilistic Approach., Najmul Karim
An Integrated Network Architecture for a High Speed Distributed Multimedia System., Nitin Subrao Naik
Designing Diagnosable Distributed Programs., Amit Anil Nanavati
Analyzing Traffic and Multicast Switch Issues in an ATM Network., Youngcheol Oh
A Reusability Model That Creates Design Frameworks Using a Formal Specification Clustering Approach., Youwen Ouyang
Reverse Engineering Low-Level Design Patterns From Object-Oriented Code., Chandra Shrivastava
Virtual Central Control., Raghuram A. Yedatore
From Object-Oriented Specification to Implementation: A Formal Refinement Methodology., Moonsung Yoo
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Data Analysis Using Reconstructability Theory., Deky Dicky joe Gouw
Parallelization of Reconstructability Analysis Algorithms., Patti E. Iles
Robust Adaptive Control in H(infinity)., Gisoon Kim
Combinatorial Design and Analysis of Optimal Multiple Bus Systems for Parallel Algorithms., Priyalal D. Kulasinghe
Parallel Algorithms for Constructing Convex Hulls., Jigang Liu
Multiresolutional Fault-Tolerant Sensor Integration and Object Recognition in Images., Lakshman Prasad
Multiresolution Techniques in Image Processing., Ramana L. Rao
A Formal Methodology for Deriving Purely Functional Programs From Z Specifications via the Intermediate Specification Language FunZ., Linda Bostwick Sherrell
IPCC++: A concurrentC++ for Centralized and Distributed Memory Models., Shelly S. Stubbs
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
A New Method for Efficient Parallel Solution of Large Linear Systems on a SIMD Processor., Okon Hanson Akpan
A Multi-Faceted Software Reusability Model: The Quintet Web., Youngsuck Cho
A Specification Environment That Supports the Prototyping of Distributed Systems Using an Object-Oriented Model., Abbas Dehkhoda
A Relaxation Scheme for Mesh Locality in Computer Vision., Weian Deng
Tracking Dynamic Features in Image Sequences., Sankar Krishnamurthy
A Heuristic Approach for Shortest Path Problem With Rectilinear Obstacles., Joon Shik Lim
A Rules Based Approach to Analyze Data Dependent Transformation Strategies of a Supercompiler for Parallel Computers., James Woodson Mcguffee
An Adaptive Finite Element Methodology for the High-Performance Computer Simulation of Multiphase Flow Processes., Donald J. Morton Jr
An Incremental Navigation Localization Methodology for Application to Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robotic Platforms to Assist Individuals Having Severe Motor Disabilities., Daryl Devon Thomas
Alignment System for X-Ray Lithography., Hao Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Genetic Algorithms and the Satisfiability of Large-Scale Boolean Expressions., Thomas A. Bitterman
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design Using DELTA, an Incremental Design Language., Nancy Kay Gautier
New Approaches and Techniques for Drawing Lines on Raster Devices., Philip Arthur Graham
High Performance Software Reconfiguration in the Context of Distributed Systems and Interconnection Networks., Vinayak Gajanan Hegde
Synergistic Control of N-Body Computer Generated Robots., Don Alan Iglehart
Optical Character Recognition Using Morphological Attributes., Gili Mendel
Squared Law Algorithms: Theory and Applications., Poornachandra Bellamkonda Rao
Reliability Analysis of the Hypercube Architecture., Sieteng Soh
Reconstructability Theory for General Systems and Its Application to Automated Rule Learning., Sudhir Kumar Trivedi
Learning Complex Recursive Rules., Ching-liang Tseng
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
A Computational Framework for Efficient Error Correcting Codes Using an Artificial Neural Network Paradigm., Maung Maung Htay
Improvement of the Data Analysis Algorithm by Applying the Decision Tree Method., Won Chan Jung
Learning Horn-Clauses as Classification Rules for Relations., Mary Pamela Langley
Parallel Geometric Algorithms., Fenglien Lee
A Formal Methodology for the Specification of Distributed Systems From an Object Perspective., Sangbum Lee
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Parallel Computation on Hypercube-Like Machines., Kyung Hee Kwon
New Techniques in Scene Understanding and Parallel Image Processing., Krishnakumar Narayanan
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms for a Class of Graph-Related Computational Problems., Rajanarayanan Subbiah
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
A Parallel Processing Development System to Perform Automatic Correlation of Subsurface Petrophysical Logs. (Volumes I and II)., William Box Evans
Computational Neural Learning Formalisms for Perceptual Manipulation: Singularity Interaction Dynamics Model., Sandeep Gulati
Low-Temperature Oxidation of Silicon Using Point-To-Plane Corona Discharge., Mohammad Reza Madani
Fast Parallel Algorithms on a Class of Graph Structures With Applications in Relational Databases and Computer Networks., Sridhar Radhakrishnan
Designing Efficient Algorithms for Distributed Systems., Mohan B. Sharma
Database Constraint Enforcement: A Decompositional Approach., Yuejian Sheng
Parallelization of Goal-Driven, Production Systems on Hypercube Machines in a C Environment., Rajendra Kumar Shrivastava
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
A Comprehensive Methodology for Algorithm Characterization, Regularization and Mapping Into Optimal VLSI Arrays., Hassan Reda Barada
Systolic Array Implementations With Reduced Compute Time., Abdulkader Omar Barbir
Use of Infrared Piezobirefringence for Observation of Dislocations in Semiconductors With Cubic Symmetry., Aloke Kumar Dutta
Harmonic Measurement and Reduction in Power Systems., Rutisurhata Kurniawan Hartana
A Density-Based General Greedy Channel Routing Algorithm in VLSI Design Automation., Tai-tsung Ho
A Framework for Efficient Execution of Logic Programs., Sudharsan R. Iyengar
Hypercube-Based Topologies With Incremental Link Redundancy., Shahram Latifi
Photochemical Vapor Deposition of Gallium-Arsenide Utilizing Ultraviolet Radiation., David Paul Norton
The Capacity of Artificial Neural Networks Using the Delta Rule., Donald Louis Prados
A Program Visualization System That Supports the Program Understanding Process., Brady R. Rimes
Optimal Design and Control of Distribution System Capacitors., Nugroho Iwan Santoso
New Learning and Control Algorithms for Neural Networks., Chung Hwa Youn
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Query Processing on the Entity-Relationship Graph Based Relational Database Systems., Hung-pin Chen
COGMIR: A Computer Model for Knowledge Integration., Zheng Xin Chen
Online Detection and Estimation of Parameter Jumps., Fahmida Nilufar Chowdhury
An Object Oriented Paradigm for Requirements Specifications., David W. Cordes
Entity Relationship Approach to Knowledge Base Systems., Sreerama Krishna Karukonda
Semantic Constraint Modeling in Database Using the Applicative Data Language., Herman Hai-lou Lee
An Algorithmic Framework for Robot Navigation in Unknown Terrains., Nageswara S. v Rao
Intensional Query Processing in Deductive Database Systems., Il Yeol Song
Neural Networks With Asynchronous Control., Michael Christopher Stinson
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Fail-Safe Local Area Networking Using Channel Redundancy., Ibibia Karisemie Dabipi
Resolution Proof Technique in Linear Temporal Logic., Krzysztof Jan Kochut
A Numerical Analysis of Heterojunction Bipolar Devices., Freidoon Mehrad
Stability and Stabilization of the Wave Model., Masoud Shafiee
Vacuum Growth and Characterization of Thin Films of Zinc Tin Diphosphide., Hyun Yong Shin
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Contribution to Power System Harmonic Analysis., Yahia Baghzouz
Model Reduction of Stochastic and Deterministic Continuous Time Linear Systems (Lypunov Equation, Schawrz Approximation)., Khier Benmahammed
An Electronic Load Compensator for Arc Furnaces (Reactive Current, Static Var Compensator)., Mickey Dale Cox
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
An Explicit State Model of a Synchronous Machine - Transformer - Scr Bridge Unit., Farrokh Shokooh
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Diffusion of Arsenic in Degenerate Silicon: a Quasi-Static Approach., Rituparna Shrivastava
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Synthesis of Multiple Feedback Active-Filters., Al Eskandar
Models and Cost Functionals for Optimal Automatic-Generation Controllers., Thomas William Reddoch
Decentralized Filtering and Control in Interconnected Stochastic-Systems., Charles Woodford Sanders Jr
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Suboptimal Linear Regulator by Frequency Domain Compensation., David Alan Borg