Validations for ensuring the interoperability of data exchange of a building information model

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During the design and construction phases of building projects, domain experts iteratively exchange building information models. One of their goals is to ensure that the requirements and objectives of a proposed project are satisfied. In addition, most building information modeling software currently implements heterogeneous mapping processes in their IFC interfaces that bind their native models to the IFC format. However, such exchanges frequently do not realize intended geometric transformations, project requirements, and required syntactic and semantic conditions in building model data, exacerbating the problem of model integrity and resulting in expensive changes during the construction and operation phases. These problematic issues have been addressed by the development of solid frameworks for validating a building design. This paper surveys six currently available applications for validating building design data and identifies their strengths and weaknesses: The Express Engine's EXPRESSO, the JDSAI™, the EXPRESS Data Manager™, the IFC server ActiveX Component, the IfcDoc, and the Solibri Model Checker®. We also structured the validation processes into three types of tasks: 1) a syntax check of the assurance of compliance with the IFC schema defined by the EXPRESS language, 2) semantic and syntactic assessment in terms of conformity to model view definitions, which consist of concept modularizations, and 3) the validation of design programming requirements that evaluates regulations, project criteria, owner requirements, and functional performance. The purpose of this survey, based on available software that supports the validation of building model data for these three types of interoperability issues, is to integrate diverse checking approaches, as a basis for improving what are now widely distributed efforts.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Automation in Construction

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