Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Molecular Geometry, Cndo-Calculations, and Electronic-Spectra: Beta-Diketones and Biphenyl Derivatives., Larry Paul Davis
Equilibrium States of a Dimer Model With Angular Forces., Benjamin C. Freasier
Decomposition of Cryptocyanine Q-Switches for High Peak Power Ruby Lasers., Roberta Anne Hollier
2,6-Pyridinophanes and Related Heteromacrocycles., James Michael Robinson
The Reactions of the Higher Oxidation States of Uranium and Molybdenum With Some Organic Heterocycles., Henry Jonathan Sherrill
Cycloaddition Reactions of Nitrones., Joyner Sims
The Exchange Reaction Between Cyclic Enamines and Deuteroacetone and Its Applications in Determining the Relative Reactivity of Cyclic Enamines., John Gill Underwood II
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
The Electronic Excited-States of Indole: Indirect Evidence for Excited 3h-Indole., Cecil Mcclung Chopin
Theoretical, Physical, and Chemical Studies of Oxouranium(v) and Related Species., David Glen Durrett
Electronic-Spectroscopy of Highly-Polar Aromatics., Omar Soliman Khalil
Excited-State Properties of Amide-Containing Molecules., Donald Bruce Larson
Transition-Metal Complexes of Beta-Furfuraldoxime., Max Earl Pickerill
Reactions of Hydridoplatinum(ii) Complexes With Acetylenes: a Synthetic and Kinetic Study., Mildred Robertson Smalley
Lead-Tetraacetate Oxidations of Stereoisomeric 2-Methyl-3-Phenylbutyric Acids., Alice Theine
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of Free Radical Initiators., Henry Thomas Bickley
Multipole Polarizabilities and Long-Range Interatomic Forces for Two and Ten Electron Atoms., Joseph Tracy Broussard
The Stereochemistry of Product Formation From Cyclohexyl Cation Intermediates., Stella Daisy Elakovich
The Influence of a Neighboring Methoxy Group on Solvolyses of Cyclooctyl Para-Toluenesulfonates., Richard Arthur Evans
The Effect of Transannular Interactions in Medium Ring Cationic Reaction Intermediates., Alan Wayne Foster
Reactions of Activated Olefins and Acetylenes With Hydridoiridium Complexes., Margaret Shirley Fraser
Study of Rearrangements in Medium Ring Organometallic Compounds., Richard L. Frye
Relative Rate Constants for Hydrogen Atom Abstraction by Methyl and Para-Nitrophenyl Radicals., Daniel Lee Fuller
The Abnormal Michael Reaction: Scope, Limitations, and Mechanism., William George Haag III
Reactions of Radicals. Part I. Use of Hydrogen Isotopes in Polymer Chemistry. Part II. Hydrogen Atom Reactions in Solution., Richard Wayne Henderson
Spectral Studies of Composite Molecules and Beta-Diketones., Elvin Hughes Jr
Electronic States of the Permanganate Ion: an Investigation of a Prototype D(0) Orbital Tetrahedral Oxyanion., Lawrence W. Johnson
Reactions of Alpha-Halosilanes., John Paul Jones
Kinetic Isotope Effects in Free Radical Chemistry., Kenneth George Kneipp
Nitrous Acid Deaminations of Some Medium Ring Amino Alcohols., Ronald Roy Lilienthal
Cycloaddition Reactions of the Fulvenes., Leonard Joseph Luskus
Transition Metal Complexes of Dicyanoacetylene: a Study of the Reaction Chemistry of Low Valence States of the Transition Metals, Platinum, Palladium, Nickel, Rhodium, and Iridium., Gregory Lloyd Mcclure
Pi-Interactions in Organosilicon Compounds., Phillip David Mollere
Differential Vapor Pressure- And Thermochemical Studies of Ion-Solvent Interaction., John Hendrick Muller
I. Varied-Portions Approach to Second-Order Properties. II. Long-Range Interaction of Helium Atoms; Study of Three and Four Electron Correlationeffects., Bert Randall Riemenschneider
Relative Chalcogen Donor Properties in Transition Metal Complexes., Eugene D. Schermer
Ion-Solvent Interaction Studies. I. Preparation and Characterization Oflithium-Alkylammonium and Tetraalkylammonium Tetrabutylaluminates. II. Nmr Study of the Solvation of the Sodium and Lithium Cations., Thomas Delbert Westmoreland Jr
The Characterization and Studies of Some Group IIia Metal Alkyl Complexes., Gregory Lanning White
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
The Determination of the Ionization Constants of Weak Acids in Mixed Solvent Systems: a Study of Medium Effects., Louis Henry Adcock
I. Studies of Cavities Containing One and Two Electrons in Metal-Ammonia Solutions. II. Accurate 'Effective' Intermolecular Pair Potentials in Gaseous Argon., David Anthony Copeland
The Thermodynamic Phases of a Triangular Lattice Gas., Jon Robert Craig
The Characterization and Studies of Some Triethanolamine Complexes of Transition-Metals and Representative Metals., Ronald Lynnewood Dotson
Addition Reactions and Photoisomerization of Cis,trans-1,5-Cyclodecadiene., Hsin-hsiong Hsieh
The Kinetics of Polymerization of Pentafluorostyrene., Tzu-lee Huang
An Infrared Study of Ion-Solvent Interactions., James Alton Olander
New Coordination Compounds of Uranium(v)., Mary Jo Pribble
Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy of Isoelectronic Series: Linear Triatomic Groupings Containing Sixteen Valence Electrons., John Wayne Rabalais
Preparation and Spectral Studies of Vanadium(iii,iv,v) Tropolonates and Several New Vanadium(iii) Complexes., June Broussard White
Preparation and Spectral Properties of Oxochromium(v) Complexes., Orville Vernon Ziebarth
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Part I. A New Synthesis of Dihydrojasmone. Part II. Dehydration Studies of Some Cycloalkanols., Ronald Joseph Allain
The Effects of Solvents on Bis-(Acetylacetonato) Oxovanadium(iv)., Russell T. Arndts
A Model for Correlated Molecular Rotation., Lanny Max Casey
Studies of Alpha Nitronylnitroxide Radicals and Diradicals Using Electronspin Resonance and Optical Spectroscopic Techniques., Joseph Albert D'anna Jr
Reactive Intermediates in the Anodic Oxidation of Cycloalkanecarboxylates., Ernest Green Ed.
The Chemistry of Endo-Tricyclo O(2,7)undec-9-En-3,6-Dione: Precursor for the Synthesis of the Bcd Ring System of Phyllocladene., Linda Ledbetter Green
A Conductance Study of Ion-Solvent Interaction., Cecil Noah Hammonds Jr
Low Temperature Spectral Studies of Cobalt(ii)., David Lee Johnson
Reaction of Lithium-Nitride With Aromatic Aldehydes., Jules Michael Morris
Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies in Free Radical Chemistry., William Kennedy Smith
The Reaction of Chlorine With Cis- And Trans-Cyclodecenes., Dewitt Boyd Stone Jr
Electronic Transitions in Mono-Olefinic Hydrocarbons., Freddie Howard Watson Jr
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Quantum Mechanical Calculations Of: I. Azabenzenes, II. Ethylene; IIi. Hydrogen-Disulfide., Brent J. Bertus
Spectroscopy of Some Small High Symmetry Molecules and Oxyanions., Thomas Harold Brayden Jr
Spectroscopic Studies of Beta-Diketones and Their Metal Complexes., Liang-tsai Cheng
I. Application of the One-Center Expansion Technique. II. Nearest-Neighbor Lattice Statistics., Leon Lamar Combs
Problems in Radical Polymerizations: I. The Isotope Effect on Hydrogen Abstraction From Chloroform by the Polystyryl Radical. II. The Transferconstant of Aibn. IIi. A Scale of Phenyl Affinities., Thomas Raymond Fiske
Part I. An Investigation of the Acid-Catalyzed Alpha-Pyridilic Acid Rearrangement. Part II. The Chemistry of Mixed Aliphatic-Aromatic Tertiary Amides., Martha Jane Gilleland
The Reactivity of Hydrogen Atoms Produced in the Photolysis of Thiols., Michael Grey Griffith
Halogenation Reactions of Halomethylcycloalkanes., Wallis Gartside Hines
A Study of the Electronic States of 1-Phenylnaphthalene Bridged Phenylnaphthalene and Binaphthyl Derivatives., Jimmie Reed Mcdonald
Coordination Chemistry of Uranium(iv) and Uranium(v)., James Dale Ortego
Preparation and Spectral Properties of Oxomolybdenum(v) Complexes., Harry Edmond Pence II
Nmr Studies of Ortho-Substituted Phenols in Dmso Solutions Polar Effects of Ortho Substituents., Merrell Thomas Tribble
Preparation and Optical and Nmr Spectral Studies of Some Unusual Complexes of Oxovanadium (Iv)., Gerald S. Vigee
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations Ferrocene., Andrew Thurman Armstrong
The Syntheses and Reactions of Polymethyleneketenes., John Lee Couvillion Jr
Electronic Structure and Geometry of 2-Phenylnaphthaleme Derivatives. A Study of the Electronic Transitions Observed in Absorption, Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Spectra., Homer Edward Holloway
The Chemistry of Tertiary Amides and Related Compounds., Kalil Phillip Ieyoub
Spectral Studies of Selected Oxovanadium(iv) Complexes., Gerald John Maus
Molecular Luminescence Studies: I. The Growth and Decay of Delayed Luminescence. II. The Luminescence of Pyrene in Viscous Solutions. IIi. Delayed Luminescence of Organic Mixed Crystals: Delayed Excimer Fluorescence of Pyrene in Biphenyl. IV. Semiempirical Molecular Orbitalcalculations: Dimers of Benzene., Brihmadesam Narasimhan Srinivasan
Donor Properties of Tellurium in Transitional-Metal Complexes., Eldrid Wayne Tillay
A Study of the Conductance of Sodium Aluminum Tetraethyl in Solvents of Low Dielectric Constant., William Walker Trigg
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
The Heterocharge in Carnauba Wax Electrets., Roy White Clark
Free Radical Additions to Cis-Cyclooctene and Cis-Cyclodecene., Thomas Michael Couvillon
Anodic Oxidations of Medium Ring Cycloalkanecarboxylic Acids., John S. Dehn
Aggregation and Solubilization Properties of Decyl, Dodecyl and Tetradecyl Quaternary Ammonium Salts., Joseph William Goerner
The Activity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrochloric Acid in Monoglyme - Water Mixtures., David Alfred Johnson
1. Correlations of Electronic Effects of Substituents With Nmr Spectra. 2. Addition Reactions of Cis, Trans-1,5-Cyclodecadiene and Cis-Cyclodecene and Trans-Cyclodecene., George Albert Knesel III
Studies in Molecular Spectroscopy I. On the Multiplicities of Phosphorescent States of Organic Molecules, II. Polarization of the Absorption of Uranyl-Nitrate Hexahydrate Single Crystal, IIi. The Electronic Structure of the Sulfur-Sulfur Bond., Charles Michael O'donnell
A Study of Solubilization Phenomena., Earl Louis Pye
The Activity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrochloric Acid in Tetrahydrofuran - Water Mixtures., Rabindra Nath Roy
The Conductivity-Viscosity Relationship in the System: Sodium Tetrabutylaluminate-Cyclohexane-Nujol., Robert Norton Sanders
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Electronic Spectroscopy of Composite Heterocyclic Molecules, Effect of Intramolecular H-Bonding., Rafie Hassan a Abu-eittah
Part I. A Novel Synthesis of Dihydrojasmone. Part II. Polymethyleneketenedimers and Trimers., Frank E. Collins Jr
The Reaction of Lithium Nitride With Organic Esters., James Michael Greene
Spectroscopy of Composite Molecules Having Weakly Interacting Systems., James Luther Harris
Solvolyses of Medium-Ring 2-Halocycloalkanols., John Schneller III
Studies in Molecular Spectroscopy; I. Excimer Fluorescence, II. Heavy-Atom Spin-Orbital Coupling Effect and IIi. The Electronic Spectra of Ferrocene., Fred Jewel Smith
Electrode Kinetics at Open Circuit at the Streaming Mercury Electrode., Vakula Sampathkumar Srinivasan