Evolution of morphology during etching of Si
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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The step morphology of clean Si surfaces was studied during thermal etching in the range 950-1250 °C. Kinetic-bunching of steps was caused by direct current in the step-down direction around 950 °C. Around 1150 °C, step-bunching was caused by direct current in the step-up direction. At low etching temperatures, the steps remained straight within the step bunches and retained their distinct character as single- and triple-height steps. However, following higher temperature etching, the steps began to merge into facets in the vicinity of defect structures. Following etching at 815 and 830 °C, the pinning action of the defect structures became apparent, and the pinned step-bunches became identifiable as (113) facets.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Williams, E., Fu, E., & Li, B. (1997). Evolution of morphology during etching of Si. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 466, 157-166. Retrieved from https://repository.lsu.edu/ag_exst_pubs/1141