A comparison of problem identification interviews conducted face-to-face and via videoconferencing using the consultation analysis record

Aaron J. Fischer, University of Utah, United States. Electronic address: aaron.fischer@utah.edu.
Melissa A. Collier-Meek, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States.
Bradley Bloomfield, University of Utah, United States.
William P. Erchul, University of California, Riverside, United States.
Frank M. Gresham, Louisiana State University, United States.


School psychologists who experience challenges delivering face-to-face consultation may utilize videoconferencing to facilitate their consultation activities. Videoconferencing has been found to be an effective method of service delivery in related fields and emerging research suggests that it may be effective for providing teacher training and support in school settings. In this exploratory investigation, we used the Consultation Analysis Record (Bergan & Tombari, 1975) and its four indices to assess the effectiveness of conducting problem identification interviews via videoconferencing versus face-to-face. Overall, findings indicated significant differences across these two conditions, with videoconference interviews coded as having higher indices of content relevance, process effectiveness, and message control, but lower content focus, compared to face-to-face interviews. As these indices have been positively associated with favorable consultation outcomes, the results provide initial support for the effectiveness of consultation delivered via videoconferencing.