Compound effect of cutting depth and bit dull on cutters' temperature for polycrystalline diamond compact bits
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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This paper presents a simulation study to evaluate the combined effect of cutting depth (drilling rate) and wear (bit dull) on the thermal response of polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) cutters under down-hole drilling conditions. A new understanding of frictionally generated heat between rock and PDC cutter is introduced from the analysis of forces active on the wearflat and the cutting (leading) surfaces of a cutter. Then this new concept is used to predict PDC bit performance with the controlled temperature of its cutters. Previous concepts, largely based on the laboratory drilling tests (with low drilling rate and under atmospheric conditions), recognize only one source of heat - the wearflat surface. However this study, using field data, shows that the heat generated at the cutting surface may significantly contribute to the total heat flux into the cutter.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division (Publication) PD
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Recommended Citation
Kuru, E., & Wojtanowicz, A. (1990). Compound effect of cutting depth and bit dull on cutters' temperature for polycrystalline diamond compact bits. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division (Publication) PD, 27, 157-168. Retrieved from