Large eddy simulation of turbulent flows in complex and moving rigid geometries using the immersed boundary method
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A large eddy simulation (LES) methodology for turbulent flows in complex rigid geometries is developed using the immersed boundary method (IBM). In the IBM body force terms are added to the momentum equations to represent a complex rigid geometry on a fixed Cartesian mesh. IBM combines the efficiency inherent in using a fixed Cartesian grid and the ease of tracking the immersed boundary at a set of moving Lagrangian points. Specific implementation strategies for the IBM are described in this paper. A two-sided forcing scheme is presented and shown to work well for moving rigid boundary problems. Turbulence and flow unsteadiness are addressed by LES using higher order numerical schemes with an accurate and robust subgrid scale (SGS) stress model. The combined LES-IBM methodology is computationally cost-effective for turbulent flows in moving geometries with prescribed surface trajectories. Several example problems are solved to illustrate the capability of the IBM and LES methodologies. The IBM is validated for the laminar flow past a heated cylinder in a channel and the combined LES - IBM methodology is validated for turbulent film-cooling flows involving heat transfer. In both cases predictions are in good agreement with measurements. LES - IBM is then used to study turbulent fluid mixing inside the complex geometry of a trapped vortex combustor. Finally, to demonstrate the full potential of LES - IBM, a complex moving geometry problem of stator - rotor interaction is solved. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
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Recommended Citation
Tyagi, M., & Acharya, S. (2005). Large eddy simulation of turbulent flows in complex and moving rigid geometries using the immersed boundary method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 48 (7), 691-722.