Anomalous foam fractional flow solutions at high injection foam quality
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Conference Proceeding
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A thorough understanding of foam fundamentals is crucial to the optimum design of foams for improved/enhanced oil recovery. This study, for the first time, presents anomalous foam fractional flow solutions which deviate significantly from the conventional solutions at high injection foam qualities, by comparig Method of Characteristics and mechanistic bubble-population-balance simulations. The results from modeling and simulations based on coreflood experiments revealed that (1) there exist three regions: region "A" with relatively wet (or high fw) injection conditions where the solutions are consistent with the conventional fractional flow theory; region "C" with very dry (or low fw) injection conditions where the solutions deviate significantly; and region "B" in between which has a negative dfw/dSw slope showing physically unstable solutions; (2) for dry injection conditions in region "C", the solutions require a constant state (IJ) between initial (I) and injection (J) conditions, forcing a shock from I to IJ by intersecting fractional flow curves, followed by spreading waves or another shock to reach from IJ to J; and (3) the location of IJ in fw vs. Sw domain moves to the left (or toward lower Sw) as the total injection velocity increases for both weak and strong foams until it reaches limiting water saturation. Even though foams at high injection quality are popular for mobility control associating a minimal amount of surfactant solutions, foam behaviors at dry conditions have not been thoroughly investigated and understood. The outcome of this study is believe to be helpful to successful planning of foam field l/EOR applications. Copyright 2012, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Proceedings - SPE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Roostapour, A., & Kam, S. (2012). Anomalous foam fractional flow solutions at high injection foam quality. Proceedings - SPE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, 1, 141-158.