Application of multi-well analytical models to maximize geological CO2 storage in brine formations

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Injection of CO2 emissions from industrial units into geological formations would require many storage sites and each storage site would require multiple injection wells to inject high volumes of CO2. Although multi-well injection of CO2 in brine formations increases the injection rate but this increase is not linear with respect to the number of injection wells. This is because of the well-known pressure interference effect. Ideally there is an optimum number of injection wells and injection rates (for each individual well) that would maximize the project net present value based on some economic assumptions. In this study we are using our new tool (Enhanced Analytical Simulation Tool or EASiTool) to investigate this concept for both open and closed boundary aquifers. Also with tornado charts we will show how sensitive our capacity estimations are to the input parameters of the analytical models.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Energy Procedia

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