Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University
We document the first record of Hypostomus cf. niceforoi in Central America. Two specimens of these suckermouth armored catfishes were collected in Lake Nicaragua (Nicaragua) and identified as H. cf. niceforoi. Hypostomus niceforoi is endemic to Andean streams of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru. We hypothesize that its introduction in Central America is related to the aquarium trade, as is the case of other armored catfish species introductions.
Recommended Citation
Matamoros, Wilfredo A.; Mcmahan, Caleb D.; Mejia, Carlos R.; House, Parker H.; Armbruster, Jonathan W.; and Chakrabarty, Prosanta
"First record of the non-native suckermouth armored catfish Hypostomus cf. niceforoi (Fowler 1943) (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from Central America,"
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University
, Article 1.
DOI: 10.31390/opmns.087
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