Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)
Landscape Architecture
Document Type
The property owns by Grand Idle Port of Commission with its unique combination of coastal and wetland landscape, the richness of environment and the susceptibility to hurricanes give opportunities as well as limitations in developing the site. A respond to this fragile but rich environment is a sustainable planning and design that balances the site programs and environment sensitivity. An ecologically, socially, economically, and aesthetically sound will provides an opportunity to achieve the optimal uses of the natural resources while maintaining the environment sustainability. The master plan of Port of Grand Isle addresses the client’s programs expectation and enhances the programs to obtain an optimum use of the site potentials. Four major programs that vary from research to non-research are applied to promote the property as a demonstration site of sustainable environment planning. The master plan that consist of a marine research center, a commercial marina, a coastal plants nursery, and a wetland center has addressed ecological, social, aesthetical aspects and yet economically benefit the local community. The result shows compromises between human needs and an appreciation to the environment and natural resources as part of human life that need to be protected.
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.
Recommended Citation
Kohdrata, Naniek, "A site design in a hurricane prone coastal environment: Grand Isle, Louisiana case study" (2004). LSU Master's Theses. 891.
Committee Chair
Sadik C. Artunc