Semester of Graduation
Spring 2022
Master of Arts (MA)
Geography and Anthropology
Document Type
The Lamendin method is a dental age estimation method that can be used by biological anthropologists when the skeletal anatomy is not available. The Lamendin method utilizes an index derived from measurements of the tooth root height (RH), periodontal line height (PLH), and root transparency height (RTH) to estimate the age of an individual. Although this method is often used in forensic contexts, its presence in the bioarcheological literature is almost non-existent. Research that mentions the Lamendin method conflict about whether the method can be used in specimens with longer postmortem intervals (PMIs) and in various depositional environments. This study addresses this gap in the literature by analyzing dental samples from two archaeological sites in Northern Jordan. Ya’amun and Sa’ad which are well-known for their many ancient tombs. In utilizing the samples, the author analyzed how the sites, PMI, and depositional environment influenced how frequently the Lamendin method could be used in two archeological contexts. Results show that the ability to measure RTH and PLH for the Lamendin method is heavily influenced by PMI. Other conditions such as completion of the root, the presence of root-etching, pitting, furrows, and flakes, and dental attrition also influence the capacity of the Lamendin method to be used. Due to the various factors and conditions found to influence the ability to use the Lamendin method, this study concludes that individual site history and condition should be considered along with PMI to determine if the Lamendin method is suitable for use in a sample for estimating age. Future research should analyze other archaeological samples from the time periods included in this study to see if these trends apply to all bioarcheological samples. Additionally, the influence depositional environment has on the ability to use the Lamendin method and how PMI influences weathering and coloration of human dentition should be investigated further. In drawing these conclusions, this study begins to xii answer questions surrounding taphonomy and its influence on the preservation of human dentition.
Recommended Citation
Williamson, Sabrina L., "Assessing the Effect Time and Burial Environment have on the Use of the Lamendin Dental Age Estimation Method in Two Archaeological Samples from Jordan" (2022). LSU Master's Theses. 5549.
Committee Chair
Ginesse Listi