Semester of Graduation

Spring 2018


Master of Civil Engineering (MCE)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Document Type



Most people in the US prefer to travel on freeways, but when there is congestion they divert onto local routes to avoid travel delay. This study measures the traffic diversion induced by an increase in congestion on I-10 freeway in Baton Rouge during congestion, using a Bluetooth Detection System. The main objective of the study was to identify the difference in the level of congestion on the I-10 between the Mississippi River Bridge and the I-10/I-12 split and the level of congestion on local roads that triggers traffic to divert from the freeway to parallel arterials. Other objectives include measuring the time lag between the onset of congestion and diversionary behavior, and observing stability of behavior from incident to incident. The findings of the study indicate that diversionary behavior occurs when Travel Time Index is 1.5 or above over that on parallel arterials. The time lag observed is 15-30 minutes for incidents occurring on I-10 between Perkins exit and Citi place, but for incidents occurring on I-10 between Nicholson Drive and Perkins exit, time lag measured is between 0 and 15-min.



Committee Chair

Wilmot, Chester


