


Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)



Document Type

Major Paper


Ross Lee Finney (1906-1997), significant American composer and pedagogue, published five works for solo voice and piano within his catalogue of genres and styles. Though composed in 1951, Finney’s setting of Chamber Music, to James Joyce’s texts by the same title, remained unpublished until 1985. This song cycle, Finney’s last published solo vocal work, will be the focus of this document and subsequent lecture recital. The purpose of this study will be to examine seventeen of the thirty-six songs from the cycle and provide performance suggestions. The written document is comprised of five chapters: Chapter One provides biographical information and commentary on the compositional style of Ross Lee Finney; Chapter Two provides biographical information and background information specific to the literary Chamber Music; Chapter Three presents an introduction and overview of the musical setting of Chamber Music; Chapter Four contains a detailed examination of seventeen selected songs from the cycle as a guide for performers ; and finally, Chapter 5 will draw conclusions based on this analysis and include comments on the use of this cycle in recital programming as well as its pedagogical values. A Bibliography and five Appendices will be included to provide additional information on Chamber Music, Ross Lee Finney, and his compositions.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Lori Bade

Included in

Music Commons