Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

First Advisor

Diana G. Pounder


The purpose of this study was to expand the theoretical knowledge of the March and Simon (1958) "decision to participate" model as modified by Jackofsky (1982, 1984) and examined by Jackofsky and Peters (1983). Specifically, the study examined the relationship between employee turnover intentions and various predictors of turnover, including (a) desirability of movement (organizational commitment); (b) ease of movement; (c) the interaction of perceived desirability of movement (organizational commitment) and perceived ease of movement from the organization; (d) job satisfaction; (e) central life interest; and (f) selected employee demographic variables. Two-hundred forty Extension agents employed by Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service responded to a mailed questionnaire. The instrument consisted of a demographic information sheet, a measure of desirability of movement--Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) (Mowday, Steers, & Porter, 1979), a measure of ease of movement (Van Tilburg, 1985), a measure of job satisfaction--Job Descriptive Index (JDI) (Smith, Kendall, & Hulin, 1969), a measure of Central Life Interest (CLI) (Ben-Porat, 1980), and a measure of Intention to Quit (Peters, Bhagat, & O'Connor, 1981). Correlational analyses were undertaken to determine the magnitude and direction of the relationships between independent and dependent variables. Multiple regression analyses were performed to identify a linear combination of independent variables that would best predict the dependent variable, intention to quit organization. Additionally, regression analysis was performed to identify the best predictor(s) of a second dependent variable, intention to quit job (intra-organizational change). Results from the supplemental multiple regression analysis using intention to quit job as the dependent variable indicated organizational commitment entered first. The only other significant predictors that entered the regression equation were sex, tenure, job/responsibility change, and spouse's employment. Some support was found for the modified March and Simon (1958) model suggested by Jackofsky and Peters (1983). Desirability of movement (organizational commitment) was identified as the best single predictor of the organization specific measure intention to quit organization. Organizational commitment was also identified as the best single predictor of the job specific measure intention to quit job. The amount of variance explained in the model was much greater for the organization specific variable than for the job specific variable.




