Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
First Advisor
James H. Honeycutt
This research examined the Affinity-Seeking model devised by Bell and Daly (1984). Two components of the model were considered: preinteraction expectancies constraining a social encounter and the competency of the individual as an affinity-seeker. It was hypothesized that strangers would approach a friendly target through the reciprocity strategy and an unfriendly target through the compensatory strategy by increasing behavioral cues of immediacy (e.g., eye-gaze, smiling/laughter, verbalizations, and proximity). It was hypothesized, on the other hand, that acquaintances would not increase their behavioral involvement in view of a friendly expectancy while they would compensate for an unfriendly one. The findings revealed that neither strangers nor acquaintances actively sought affinity with their partners. Rather, they adopted "passive" affinity-seeking strategies (concede control, conversational rule-keeping) as the means to ensure a pleasant and polite encounter. The behavioral components of affinity-seeking competency were addressed.
Recommended Citation
Gendrin, Dominique Marie, "A Behavioral Test of the Affinity-Seeking Model: Nonverbal Tactics Among Strangers and Acquaintances." (1988). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 4500.