Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Purpose. This study was carried out to assess the types of channels through which research information is disseminated to the farmer through the agricultural research delivery system in Liberia, and factors which influence the delivery of such information. Population. The population for this study consisted of 324 respondants which included 15 researchers, 127 field extension workers and 182 farmers. Data were gathered specifically from researchers working at the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) and field extension workers and farmers in Bong, Lofa and Nimba counties respectively. Objectives. Two specific objectives of the study were: (1) to present profiles of the principal units (research, extension and farmer) of the agricultural research delivery system; and (2) to identify the factors that influence the interactions among these units. Methods. A census survey was conducted. Data were collected using three separate questionnaires, one for each of the principal groups. Responses were analyzed by means, frequency count, Spearman correlation coefficient and analysis of variance, in relation to the objectives of the study. Findings. Analysis showed limited interaction among the principal units of the delivery system, and thus the extension workers depended on their immediate supervisors and colleagues for research information. This limited contact among these three units was attributed to the absence of an institutional structure and an established communication system. Field days was ranked highest as the type of channel used by the researcher to interact with the other two units. These contacts were however very limited because field day is an annual event limiting contact to once a year. The data further revealed that personal characteristics (age, education, experience, family size and farm size) of the principal groups did influence the type of channel selected to interact. Several recommendations were made to facilitate continuous interaction among the three units and achieve a functional delivery system.
Recommended Citation
Wiles, Walter Tamu, "Analysis of Factors Influencing the Agricultural Research Delivery System in Liberia." (1986). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 4272.