Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


The study examined the soil testing practices of farmers in Northeast Louisiana. The research further examined soil fertility levels in Franklin, Morehouse, and Tensas Parishes to determine whether there have been changes in soil fertility levels in these parishes between 1964-67 and 1982-83. The sample was taken from the population of farmers in Franklin, Morehouse, and Tensas Parishes who had used the Louisiana State University soil testing laboratory in 1982-83. One hundred farmers were interviewed regarding their use of soil testing. Also, all the soil fertility data was collected from soil tests in 1982-83 in Franklin, Morehouse, and Tensas Parishes, and compared with a 1964-67 study. The research revealed that farmers who soil sampled more frequently averaged higher yields of both cotton and soybeans than farmers who soil sampled less frequently. Younger and better educated farmers soil sampled more often than older and less educated farmers. Farmers who had been active in 4-H and/or FFA soil sampled more often than farmers who had not been active in these organizations. Farmers who placed much confidence in the County Agent and in soil testing for fertilization recommendations soil sampled more often than did farmers who placed no faith in the County Agent or soil testing for fertilizer recommendations. Farmers who placed much faith in fertilizer dealers for fertilizer recommendations soil sampled less often than did farmers who placed little influence in fertilizer dealers for fertilizer recommendations. There was no relationship between sampling frequency and the amount of influence consultants, agricultural magazines, and other farmers had on fertilization decisions. In Franklin Parish, levels of extractable P have remained constant, levels of K and Mg have decreased, and levels of Ca and pH have increased between 1964-67 and 1982-83. In Morehouse Parish, levels of P and pH have remained constant, levels of K and Mg have decreased, and levels of Ca have increased between 1964-67 and 1982-83. In Tensas Parish, levels of Mg and P have remained constant, while levels of K, Ca, and pH have increased.




