Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of varying intensities of recovery exercise on the level of blood lactate after a short, supramaximal exercise bout. Seven males were advised of the testing protocol and consented to serve as subjects. All subjects performed an oxygen cost of cycling test and maximal oxygen uptake (VO(,2)(' )max) test prior to the commencement of the recovery tests. The subjects then performed one of four treatments on separate days with 1-4 days of rest between tests. Preceding each treatment the subjects cycled at a workload corresponding to 150% of VO(,2)(' )max for 50 secs. At the end of this work bout the subjects performed one of the following treatments for 40 min: (1) passive recovery, (2) cycling at 35% of VO(,2)(' )max, (3) cycling at 65% of VO(,2)(' )max, (4) cycling at 65% for 7 min followed by cycling at 35% for 33 min. In addition, the same recovery treatments were performed on separate days without the prior supramaximal bout to determine baseline lactate values. These values could then be used in comparing the recovery rates. Serial blood samples were obtained throughout the recovery exercise to determine lactate values with one venepuncture sample taken at 20 min for the baseline value. The blood samples were analyzed by an enzymatic technique. The peak in blood lactate occurred at the same time for each treatment with no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the absolute lactate value. The rate of removal of lactate showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the combination recovery and the 35% recovery. The absolute value of lactate at the end of the recovery period exhibited no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the 35% and combination recoveries. However, the absolute value of the 65% recovery at the end of 40 min was greater than that found in the passive recovery. These data indicate that a single intensity recovery that increases blood flow and muscle metabolism without causing significant lactate production may be the optimal method of removing blood lactate.
Recommended Citation
Dodd, Stephen Lollar, "Blood Lactate Removal During Varying Intensities of Active Recovery Following Supramaximal Work." (1982). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 3799.