Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
With 102 male homosexual and 12 male heterosexual Ss, this study explored the possibility that a typology of homosexuality could be developed using an expanded definition of homosexuality. Proposed dimensions were the variables: gender identity, social sex role, sexual orientation, overt sexual behaviors, current psychological status, and parent-child relations. Ss were recruited by a variety of methods and demographic characteristics suggest a fairly heterogeneous sample was obtained. Scores obtained from a battery of six tests were factor analyzed using an oblique (promax) rotation. Eight factors were obtained and factor pattern scores were used in two hierarchical cluster analysis methods (Johnson, 1967; and McQuitty and Koch, 1975). The Johnson method resulted in eight clusters, two of which were single individuals. The McQuitty-Koch method resulted in 11 clusters. Due to the minimal similarity of results from these two methods, further comparative statistical analyses were suggested. Variable patterns for the clusters, n greater than one, from the Johnson method were explored and suggestions regarding behavioral, social and psychological characteristics of the clusters or types were made. Results of this study suggest that (a)the proposed dimensions were theoretically and statistically sound, (b)a typology of homosexuality could be developed using an expanded definition, and (c)that such a typology appears to enhance the discriminations possible within the concept of homosexuality.
Recommended Citation
Miller, D'lane Sally, "Homosexualities: a Study of Types." (1981). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 3609.