Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Document Type
Synchrotron XCT imaging approaches applied in this study provides crucial information on the impact of image voxel resolution on image based simulation results and the characteristic length scales that can be extracted from XCT image data sets. The methods and results in this work provides a holistic approach in generating reliable and representative porous media flow and transport properties via image processing and pore scale simulations through XCT image data sets of porous media. This study also shows how XCT imaging, coupled with pore topological and morphological measures can be utilized in quantifying the differences, and/or similarities between a 2.5D micromodel pore structure created from a 3D-Boise Sandstone pore structure. A combination of MIP data and physically realistic pore network drainage simulations were used to account for the pore space and the characteristic throat sizes that can be effectively detected in an XCT image data of a Berea sandstone. The results show that minimum characteristic throat sizes of 2 and 6 μm were present in 1 μm and 4.12 μm voxel size XCT images respectively.
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Recommended Citation
mills, Godfrey, "Extracting Physically Realistic Pore Network Features from XCT Data and Investigating the Impact of Pore Topology on Flow in Porous Media" (2016). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 814.
Committee Chair
Willson, Clinton