


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Document Type



Seizure activity can be debilitating across a number of physical, social, occupational, and personal domains. Given the deficits in all of these areas frequently present in persons with mental retardation, the control and elimination of seizures is a primary goal for individuals with both mental retardation and epilepsy. Antiepileptic medication can reduce seizure activity. However, this intervention often carries with it a range of untoward side effects that may adversely affect clients over what is typically a long-term treatment regimen. Over the last 20 years, literature has emerged emphasizing the importance of environmental variables in the initiation and maintenance of seizure activity. The assessment of such factors and subsequent development of behavioral interventions to reduce seizure activity in persons with mental retardation would be a significant addition to treatment efforts typically dependent upon chemical intervention alone. The Matson and Mayville (M&M) seizure scale is the first assessment tool designed to assess such factors specific to persons with mental retardation. This study examined the psychometric properties of this scale through the assessment of internal consistency, construct validity, and inter-rater, cross-rater, and test-retest reliability statistics. Results revealed good inter-rater reliability, but lower overall values for the remaining statistical evaluations. Some evidence of reliability and validity was apparent in individual items; further research is needed to further evaluate the potential of this approach.



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Committee Chair

Johnny L. Matson



Included in

Psychology Commons
