Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
College of Education
Document Type
Black student enrollment at HWIs has continued to increase for several decades. However, their success at these institutions lags behind that of their White classmates and other student groups. This study explores the extent to which these students perceive that they confront issues of racial inequality on their campuses. This study is particularly relevant as the US confronts a legacy of racial inequality in society and is experiencing a new civil rights movement, known as Black Lives Matter. This study will provide the student’s perspective on the extent and manifestations of racial inequality and the impact of BLM on these dynamics at their institutions. By understanding these factors this study will help institutions to create more detailed initiatives, respond better to incidents that occur, and develop intentional programming for these students. Through the data analysis and coding of interviews the researcher was able to understand that Black students do not have a positive experience at Historically White Institutions, it was the spirit of the BLM movement and not the movement that was creating change for the Black students, and that the students did not believe university administration had handled or was prepared to handle racial inequality for Black students.
The results of this study will be added to the existing literature and aid the administration, and other campus partners, in developing the best course of action for fighting racial inequality, responding to student activism, and giving voice to Black students at HWIs. These results will also give voice to students who may feel that their lives do not matter at Historically White Institutions (HWIs).
Recommended Citation
Johnson, Relius, "Black Students and the Fight for Racial Equity: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods" (2022). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 5825.
Committee Chair
Kennedy, Eugene
Included in
Africana Studies Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Higher Education Commons