Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Cain Department of Chemical Engineering
Document Type
Particle-laden flows are investigated numerically from a meso-scale perspective using Computational Fluid Dynamics coupled with Discrete Element Method (CFD-DEM) and from a micro-scale perspective using Particle Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation (PR-DNS). For the former, the dynamics of a pseudo-2D pulsed fluidized bed (PFB) consisting of 400,000 to 800,000 particles was investigated (Chapters 2 and 3). The focus is on the capabilities of CFD-DEM to (1) reproduce pattern formation in these systems and (2) further the understanding of the dynamics of PFB's as a function of pulsation parameters. In Chapter 4, a two-spheres system is investigated with a recently implemented PR-DNS code, using the Basilisk open source framework. A high-resolution study is performed to investigate the flow field structures and their relation to experienced hydrodynamic forces by the spheres under the influence of a wall. In Appendix A, some verification and validation cases are reported with both the aforementioned codes, presenting capabilities that can be further explored in future work.
Recommended Citation
Guedes de Oliveira, Daniel, "A Study of Particle-laden Flows from Meso and Micro-scale Perspectives" (2020). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 5130.
Committee Chair
Nandakumar, Krishnaswamy