Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Physics & Astronomy
Document Type
In order to efficiently put quantum technologies into action, we must know the characteristics of the underlying quantum systems and effects. An interesting example is the use of the secret-key-agreement capacity of a quantum channel as a guide and measure for the implementation of quantum key distribution (QKD) and distributed quantum computation. We define the communication task of establishing a secret key over a quantum channel subject to an energy constraint on the input state and while allowing for unlimited local operations and classical communication (LOCC) between a sender and receiver. We then use the energy-constrained squashed entanglement to bound the capacity of the channel for secret-key agreement, and we show that a thermal state input maximizes a relaxation of this bound for phase-insensitive, single-mode Gaussian channels. We also establish improved upper bounds on the energy-constrained secret-key-agreement capacity for a bosonic thermal channel that is not entanglement breaking. We then generalize our results to the multipartite setting and show that the energy-constrained multipartite squashed entanglement bounds the LOCC-assisted private capacity region for a quantum broadcast channel. Next, we define the broadcast amplitude damping channel. In the setting of QKD, we discuss a communication task using the broadcast amplitude damping channel and give bounds on its achievable rate region.
Recommended Citation
Davis, Noah Anthony, "Entropic Bounds on Two-Way Assisted Secret-Key Agreement Capacities of Quantum Channels" (2018). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 4561.
Committee Chair
Wilde, Mark