Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Document Type
With the advances in wireless communication, the topic of Networked Control Systems (NCSs) has become an interesting research subject. Moreover, the advantages they offer convinced companies to implement and use data networks for remote industrial control and process automation. Data networks prove to be very efficient for controlling distributed systems, which would otherwise require complex wiring connections on large or inaccessible areas. In addition, they are easier to maintain and more cost efficient. Unfortunately, stability and performance control is always going to be affected by network and communication issues, such as band-limited channels, quantization errors, sampling, delays, packet dropouts or system architecture. The first part of this research aims to study the effects of both input and output quantization on an NCS. Both input and output quantization errors are going to be modeled as sector bounded multiplicative uncertainties, the main goal being the minimization of the quantization density, while maintaining feedback stability. Modeling quantization errors as uncertainties allows for robust optimal control strategies to be applied in order to study the accepted uncertainty levels, which are directly related to the quantization levels. A new feedback law is proposed that will improve closed-loop system stability by increasing the upper bound of allowed uncertainty, and thus allowing the use of a coarser quantizer. Another aspect of NCS deals with coordination of the independent agents within a Multi-agent System (MAS). This research addresses the consensus problem for a set of discrete-time agents communicating through a network with directed information flow. It examines the combined effect of agent dynamics and network topology on agents' consensusability. Given a particular consensus protocol, a sufficient condition is given for agents to be consensusable. This condition requires the eigenvalues of the digraph modeling the network topology to be outer bounded by a fan-shaped area determined by the Mahler measure of the agents' dynamics matrix.
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Recommended Citation
Marinovici, Laurentiu Dan, "Communication-constrained feedback stability and Multi-agent System consensusability in Networked Control Systems" (2011). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 1794.
Committee Chair
Zhou, Kemin