Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)
Document Type
Manuel Quiroga Losada (1892-1961), violinist, composer, and artist, was one of the foremost figures of the first half of the 20th century. This study tries to bring to light his musical legacy, a long overdue task. Until now, all attempts to rediscover the figure of Quiroga have centered mainly on his career as a violinist, his recordings or his paintings, however not on his compositions. This document is an inventory of the forty-four pieces for violin solo, violin and piano, and violin and orchestra written by Quiroga. Manuel Quiroga mainly wrote for the violin in the form of short pieces (dances and arrangements), cadenzas, and etudes. Some of his musical works were published during the 1920’s and 1930’s, but they are now out of print and difficult to locate. The monograph begins with a section on the structure and contents of the catalogue. Chapter II traces the life and career of Quiroga as well as his influence and relationships within the musical world of his time. The catalogue itself (Chapters III to VIII) classifies the pieces by genre and musical content in six different categories: Works on Spanish themes; Other original works; Transcriptions; Cadenzas; Etudes, caprices and variations for solo violin; and Concertos. These pieces have been thoroughly studied from both print and manuscript sources. For each entry the catalogue covers the following issues: title, genre, date and place of composition, date of publication and publisher’s name, date and place of first performance, recording, dedication, duration, information about the manuscript, formal description, and technical commentary. A glossary on the specific terms used to describe the technical content of the pieces is given at the end.
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
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Recommended Citation
Luque Fernandez, Ana, "The works of Manuel Quiroga: a catalogue" (2002). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 1410.
Committee Chair
Kevork Mardirossian