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Eoreuma loftini has expanded its range from the LRGV to east Texas, and now into southwest Louisiana. LDAF and LSU AgCenter scientists forecast that natural and unintended artificial movement will result in the continued spread of E. loftini toward the heart of Louisiana's rice and sugarcane-growing regions. The 12-XII-2008 collection was the first confirmation of this pest in the state. By catching E. loftini early in its natural advancement into Louisiana, additional rapid and proactive responses will allow producers to become educated on the best management practices for the pest in sugarcane and rice. These best management practices include planting resistant varieties, use of pheromone trapassisted scouting, applications of narrow-range minimum-risk insecticides, minimizing plant stress through manipulation of irrigation and fertilization practices, and processing of cane at the closest mill to minimize spread. Also, the continued prohibition of the east Texas sugarcane shipments into Louisiana for processing is likely the most important step to avoid any artificial spread of E. loftini.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Florida Entomologist

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