Effect of horn fly and internal parasite control on growth of beef heifers

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The effects of horn fly and gastrointestinal nematode control on body weight gain of yearling Angus-Brangus cross heifers were evaluated in three separate studies during the years 1999, 2000 and 2002. In each year, the studies started in late May and lasted for 150, 148 and 123 days, respectively. In all three studies, the tag treatment (10% lambdacyhalothrin+13% piperonyl butoxide impregnated ear tags) provided excellent horn fly control. In the three studies, the average weekly horn fly counts for tagged heifers were 1, 3, and 0 flies per side while the average on untreated heifers was 52, 163 and 90 flies per side. In studies 1 and 2, there was no difference (P>0.1) in weight gain between tagged and untreated heifers, but in study 3, tagged heifers gained 50% more weight (P<0.001) than the untreated heifers. For gastrointestinal nematode control, ivermectin (IVM) was administered on Day 0 in studies 1 and 3 using a sustained release bolus and on Day 0 and subsequent 56-day intervals in study 2 using either the injectable or pour-on formulation. Heifers treated with IVM in studies 1 and 3 had significantly lower (P<0.05) GI nematode fecal egg counts compared to control heifers. In study 2, IVM treated heifers also had significantly lower GI nematode fecal egg counts compared to control heifers, except for Day 90 when no differences in fecal egg counts were observed between IVM pour-on treated and control heifers. Weight gain of heifers that received IVM was significantly greater (P<0.005) than untreated heifers in each of the three studies. IVM treated heifers gained 45, 61 and 184% more weight than the untreated heifers during the three studies. There was no interaction (P>0.1) between the main treatment effects of fly control and gastrointestinal nematode control. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Veterinary Parasitology

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