A neural network based system for predicting earthmoving production

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An artificial neural network based system (NN_earth) is developed for construction practitioners as a simple tool for predicting earthmoving opérations, which are modelled by back propagation neural networks with four expected parameters and seven affecting factors. These networks are then trained using the data patterns obtained from simulation because there are insufficient data available from industrial sources. The trained network is then incorporated as the computation engine of NN_earth. To engender confidence in the results of neural computation, a validation function is implemented in NN_earth to allow the user to apply the engine to historic cases prior to applying it to a new project. An equipment database is also implemented in NN_earth to provide default information, such as internal cost rate, fuel cost, and operator's cost. User interfaces are developed to facilitate inputting project information and manipulating the system. The major functions and use of NN_earth are illustrated in a sample application. In practice, NN_earth can assist the user either in selecting a crew to minimize the unit cost of a project or in predicting the performance of a given crew. © 1999 E & FN Spon.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Construction Management and Economics

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