HVAC energy saving through effective air distribution models based on occupancy patterns, exhaust positioning, and ceiling level in a large office

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



HVAC systems play a crucial role in maintaining comfortable indoor conditions. Building regulations often set minimum standards for air change rates to ensure adequate ventilation and indoor air quality. However, increased ventilation leads to over-conditioning, higher energy consumption, and increased maintenance costs. This study aims to investigate the energy and ventilation performance of a mixing ventilation system for different occupancy patterns and air distribution strategies related to ceiling level and exhaust vent location for optimal indoor environmental quality (thermal comfort and air quality) by integrating CFD with energy simulation. This paper presents the simulation-based study of a large office building with different occupancy patterns in a hot and humid climate. First, models were simulated in CFD software. Then, the results were imported to Energy Plus for annual cooling energy simulations. The results indicate that effective air distribution models lead to 12% annual savings in energy consumption.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

18th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2024 - Conference Program and Proceedings

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