Algal cell disruption and lipid extraction: A Review on current technologies and limitations

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Although numerous laboratory-based analytical techniques were developed and tested over the last five or six decades, industrial–scale algal oil extraction can be considered to be at its infancy Cost–effective, industrial-scale algal lipid extraction has been considered only after the advent of the algal biofuel industry. Presently, there is clearly a dearth of literature or reported results from commercial algal extraction technologies. When compared to land-based oil–seed crops, several fundamental differences exist for algal lipid extraction. Starting with the need for cost-effective harvesting and dewatering of dilute algal cultures (with 0.015–0.03 % solids) to differences in cell wall chemistry, and from the unsuitability of standard oil-seed pressing techniques to the need for cell disruption before drying, create unique challenges for microalgal lipid extraction. The present chapter discusses the limitations, challenges, and findings from numerous laboratory–based cell disruption and lipid extraction experiments and analytical techniques developed specifically to characterize or quantify algal lipids for nutraceutical, aquacultural, fine–chemical, or other value–added applications. Some potential industrial–scale, lipid extraction technologies are also discussed.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Algal Biorefineries: Volume 2: Products and Refinery Design

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