
Louisiana Agriculture

Louisiana Agriculture


LSU AgCenter


Hemp has been cultivated for thousands of years. It was grown widely in the United States until the mid-1900s, when laws limited the growth of hemp and later banned it entirely. Since the 2018 Farm Bill removed legal barriers to growing the crop, Louisiana created a structure to regulate hemp farming in 2019.

Because little information existed about hemp in Louisiana, the LSU AgCenter created the Industrial Hemp Working Group to study the crop, create production practices and help growers interested in this ancient plant.

This issue of Louisiana Agriculture focuses on the work of these researchers and the growers who are laying the groundwork for a new hemp industry. Also in this issue, you will find news about the LSU AgCenter and College of Agriculture and a feature on Glen Gentry, who wears many hats at the AgCenter and recently gained attention for his work on lethal baits for feral pigs.

Included in

Agriculture Commons
