Submissions from 2022
Whole-Genome Sequencing and RNA-Seq Reveal Differences in Genetic Mechanism for Flowering Response between Weedy Rice and Cultivated Rice, Richard S. Garcia, Sapphire Coronejo, Jonathan Concepcion, and Prasanta K. Subudhi
Submissions from 2020
A Novel Mutation of the NARROW LEAF 1 Gene Adversely Affects Plant Architecture in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Prasanta K. Subudhi, Richard S. Garcia, Sapphire Coronejo, and Teresa B. De Leon
Comparative Transcriptomics of Rice Genotypes with Contrasting Responses to Nitrogen Stress Reveals Genes Influencing Nitrogen Uptake through the Regulation of Root Architecture, Prasanta K. Subudhi, Richard S. Garcia, Sapphire Coronejo, and Ronald Tapia
Submissions from 2019
DeepDrug3D: Classification of ligand-binding pockets in proteins with a convolutional neural network, Michal Brylinski, Limeng Pu, Rajiv Gandhi Govindaraj, and Jeffrey Mitchell Lemoine
Histone H4 H75E mutation attenuates global genomic and Rad26-independent transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair, Shisheng Li, Kathiresan Selvam, and Sheikh Arafatur Rahman
Vegetation phenology and nest survival: Diagnosing heterogeneous effects through time, Kevin M. Ringelman
The Respiratory Burst Oxidase Homolog D (RbohD) Cell and Tissue Distribution in Potato-Potato Virus Y (PVYNTN) Hypersensitive and Susceptible Reactions, Rodrigo A. Valverde
Hemipteran Pests of Sugarcane in North America, Blake E. Wilson
Influence of sorghum cultivar, phenological stage, and fertilization on development and reproduction of Melanaphis sacchari (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Blake E. Wilson, Jeffrey Davis, Thomas Reagan, and Luna Lama
The CURE for Cultivating Fastidious Microbes, William Wischusen, Arundhati Bakshi, Austen T. Webber, and Lorelei E. Patrick
Books from 2015
Transport and Fate of Chemicals in Soils: Principles and Applications, Hussein Magdi Selim
Books from 2013
Competitive Sorption and Transport of Heavy Metals in Soils and Geological Media Geological Media, Hussein Magdi Selim