Detection of fault reactivation in compartmentalized reservoirs using pressure transient analysis

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Conference Proceeding

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A pressure transient model to detect fault reactivation is presented in this paper. The central assumption of the fluid flow model is that fault permeability gets suddenly altered upon fault slip. The fault is modeled as a linear interface segmenting an infinite, homogeneous and isotropic reservoir into two semi-infinite regions. A constant-rate well induces pressure changes in the reservoir by either fluid withdrawal or injection that lead to fault reactivation. The mathematical model is solved via integral transforms and the analytical solution is examined at the well with the purpose to find the characteristic bottomhole pressure and pressure derivative response to a fault slip event. Typical diagnostic plots and type curves used in well testing analysis are presented. A reservoir characterization approach summarizes the application of the model presented in this paper.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

SPE Western Regional Meeting Proceedings

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