Evaluation of corrosion inhibitor for low-pH ammonium nitrate-methanol completion fluid
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A specially formulated completion fluid, low-pH ammonium nitrate-methanol-water mixture (ANM), compatible with argillaceous and calcareous Adriatic Sea sandstone formations, appears to be very corrosive for steel wellbore equipment. More than 12 commercially available, as well as some originally formulated, chemical additives were laboratory tested at room temperature using weightloss and electrochemical methods to find an effective corrosion inhibitor for ANM. Two inhibitors, a commercially available, organic, amine base (OA) and an originally formulated, inorganic, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate base (IB), showed effective protection of carbon steel in contact with ANM fluid (corrosion rate was less than 5 mil/ yr). Both selected corrosion inhibitors did not exhibit any additional rock permeability impairment during fluid-rock compatibility flow tests if ANM fluid was filtered before injection into the core samples. For inorganic inhibitor IB, additional filtration of inhibited fluid is not required.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
SPE Production and Facilities
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Recommended Citation
Krilov, Z., Soric, T., Tomic, M., & Wojtanowicz, A. (1997). Evaluation of corrosion inhibitor for low-pH ammonium nitrate-methanol completion fluid. SPE Production and Facilities, 12 (1), 4-9. https://doi.org/10.2118/23003-PA