Large eddy simulations of jets in crossflow: Free-stream turbulence effects
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The dispersion of film coolant jets in crossflow depends on a complex interaction between the jets and the mainstream. Large eddy simulations of square jets in crossflow are performed in this paper to study the effects of free-stream turbulence levels on the dispersion of the coolant jets. Free-stream turbulence is characterized here by small scale grid generated turbulence. The effects of free-stream turbulence intensity levels of 5% and 15% are studied for jet to crossflow blowing ratio of 0.5 at a jet Reynolds number of 4700. With high levels of small scale free-stream turbulence, strong intermittent flow structures generated at the jet-mainstream interface disperse the jet by moving surrounding fluid into the jet core, and ejecting the jet fluid into the mainstream. Greater jet penetration and jet-mainstream mixing is observed for higher turbulence levels. The lateral spread of the jet is also increased by the higher free-stream turbulence intensity.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Proceedings of the 1999 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, FEDSM'99, San Francisco, California, USA, 18-23 July 1999 (CD-ROM)
Recommended Citation
Tyagi, M., & Acharya, S. (1999). Large eddy simulations of jets in crossflow: Free-stream turbulence effects. Proceedings of the 1999 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, FEDSM'99, San Francisco, California, USA, 18-23 July 1999 (CD-ROM) Retrieved from